A patient presented to our office comparing of a very painful and red eye upon waking.
She admitted to sleeping in her contact lenses and only charging them when she felt they were worn out.She had a very large corneal abrasion in her central corneal which you can see in the top left photo.
I decided to use an amniotic membrane called a Prokera which has stem cells to help heal the ocular surface.
Amniotic membranes can help reduce inflammation, reduce scar tissue, and increase healing time.
She was also placed on zymaxid, an antibiotic, and also erythromycin gel at night.After 72 hours you can see that her cornea is completely healed with no scarring at all.
I’ve used amniotic membranes in about 800 patients and the results are remarkable. I love seeing the before and after photos, and the patients enjoy seeing their progress too.