▪️It is important to know that removing a hybrid lens is much different than removing a soft contact lens or a hard contact lens.
▪️The lens may be removed at the inferior portion of the soft lens, near the 6:00 area.
▪️Place your thumb and index finger together and pinch as if you were pinching a piece of lint off your clothing.
▪️One of the biggest mistakes I see is patients have their fingers too far apart.
▪️Pinch the bottom portion of the soft contact lens skirt, and gently lift and remove off of your eye.
▪️If you have difficulty, you may place a piece of tissue on your fingers and use the same motion as above.
▪️If your lens is coated with Hydrapeg, it may be extremely slippery and hard to remove, so the tissue method will work best.
@keratoconusgroup @scleralsociety @nkcforg #keratoconus #keratoconusawareness #keratoconussucks #ilovespecialtycontacts #gaspermeablecontacts #specialtycontactlenses #gplenses #helpingeyesonescleralatatime #hardcontacts #scleralsrule #hybridlenses #hybridcontacts #hybridcontactlenses #specialtylenses #hardandsoftcontacts @synergeyes