Thank you Dr. Stafeeva for referring your keratoconus patient to our clinic!
A very pleasant 25 year old male was kindly referred to us from his corneal specialist for a specialty contact lens evaluation.
He had "perfect vision" until the age of 14 years old when he started needing glasses to see his best. A few years ago, he was diagnosed with keratoconus by his eye doctor in the United Kingdom. Shortly after, he had corneal crosslinking in both eyes.
Now he has returned home to the United States and sees Dr. Stafeeva for all of his comprehensive eye care. He reports no use of glasses or contact lenses in the past 5 years. Without glasses, he can see 20/25 "blurry and shadowy" in the right eye and 20/80 "double and blurred" in the left eye.
With diagnostic scleral lenses, he achieved 20/20 vision in the right eye and left eye and reported "crystal clear vision without any distortion." He was fascinated at how well he could see with the scleral lenses.
We ordered the Latitude custom scleral lens, which uses 3 D technology to create a truly custom device. This will be a great option for this patient, who has scleral toricity of almost 300 microns in both eyes!
Thanks again Dr. Stafeeva for trusting us with your patient, we are excited to help him see clearly again.