We’ve had the privilege of managing this amazing 6 year old, fit into Orthokeratology lenses for a few weeks now. She was referred to us for Myopia Control due to her Rx: -8.75-2.50x009 (20/25) in the right eye and -5.75-2.25x170 (20/20) in the left eye. Her baseline axial length is 25.01mm OD and 24.10mm OS.
Although her prescription is higher than the expected “ideal” Orthokeratology (orthok) candidates, these lenses allow her parents more control in handling the lenses due to its nightly regime.
Her lenses were designed with the Eyespace software. The lenses at the initial dispense showed a noticeable amount of bubbles in the mid-periphery but were reassessed 1 week later with significant improvement due to the flattening of the cornea. In these cases, we recommended filling the lenses with artificial tears and inserting the lenses face down as we would a scleral lens.
At the one week mark, she was able to see 20/25- OU without any corrective lenses during the day. She was 20/60 OD and 20/30+ OS but has been so excited with the results so far. Due to her high starting point, we expect it to take a few more weeks for her vision to improve but we are so excited to see how she continues to do.
Thank you so much Dr. Bradley Waite for this kind referral.
Thank you Dr. Michael Lipson for your help on this complicated case.