Thank you Dr. Stafeeva for your kind referral to our office!
A 59 year old patient was kindly referred to us from her corneal specialist, Dr. Stafeeva.
This patient had a corneal inflammatory condition of unknown etiology and has been managed with many eye drops including antibiotics, steroids, and other eye drops.
Although the inflammation has resolved, she is left with a very large corneal scar with pannus and neovascularization.
You can see from the topography images, the K max is over 60 diopters in a small central island. The scleral topography images show some large amount of scleral toricity and irregularity.
Her habitual glasses are about a +4.50 in each eye and she can see 20/20 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left eye. When we don't know the vision potential of a patient, we always trial a diagnostic lens. With a diagnostic scleral lens and a +1.75 over-refraction, she was able to achieve 20/20 vision in the left eye! She was thrilled with the improvement in her vision.
Due to the large amount of irregularity, we highly recommended a custom scleral lens such as the Latitude scleral lens or the EyePrint lens. She is going to discuss with her husband and let us know which lens she wants to proceed with.
Also, we may need to fit her into a soft contact lens for the OD to account for the anisometropia, but we will determine that at the dispense.
She will continue her primary eye care with Dr. Ochiltree and any cornea care with Dr. Stafeeva.